’Auratnaak’ is looking for a) comedians who are b) women and c) terrifyingly awesome. That could be you. Yes, you! Get up on stage and tell us some jokes.
You are invited to iO’s first all-female comedy open mic night, featuring the national sensation ‘Auratnaak’.
Ticket is Rs 500 per head, but entry is free for all performers. Early bookings, for both spectators and performers, are strongly recommended.
IO - The Space
Most of our events take place at iO - The Space
iO is an adaptable, state-of-the-art event room adjacent to Cafe Sol.
- Available for private events, parties, and meetings.
- For more info call: 0317-56373-44
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Earlier Event: June 27
Marriage and Mental Health
Later Event: July 27
iO Open Mic, July 2019