Awr films & productions presents
ALI The Lyarian Boxer | Written & Directed By Adeel Wali Raees
Lyari: a neighborhood marked as a 'red zone', notorious for high crime rate and terrorism. Within the fog of negativity, it's easy to miss out the humanity of those who call Lyari 'home'.
Every man is not be a Mohammad Ali Qily but every man has what it takes to be Mohammad Ali Qily.
Presenting Lyari: the mini cuba for boxers! Every struggling boxer of the same territory may relate to this story.
Movie Length: 30mins
Date: 8th February 2020
Time: 7PM
There will be a comprehensive discussion after film by
- Faseeh Qureshi (Filmmaker, Director & Editor)
- Adeel Wali Raees (Filmmaker Director & Editor)
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