I made my first painting ever at 'Art Therapy'
Our first yoga and art therapy sessions were held at iO - The Space last Saturday, and it was as lovely as we’d expected.
’Zed’ is a highly creative team of artists and doctors who use yoga and art to help a troubled individual de-stress and re-center.
I love art, but I haven’t made a brush-stroke since Class 5 at school. And even then, all I ever did was use water paints to color pre-made pictures while struggling to stay within the lines.
Presented with a blank canvas, a box of acrylic paints, and a side of detox water to sip, the session of art therapy felt like a reunion with my old, abandoned self. I was asked to make whatever I wanted, so I started paint-doodling. Naturally, the class 5 wala bacha manifested and started painting what I used to draw back then: abstract landscapes (maybe because I was never very good at making realistic pictures!).
There’s always a sun in whatever amateur art I make. ‘Sol’. Big and yellow.. Giving light and energy, to each according to their needs. I’m aware that it’s technically shaky and that there’s significant room for improvement, but I think I did pretty well for my first painting.
I found the session quite therapeutic, which is precisely the point. All art supplies were provided by Zed, so unlike class 5, we weren’t scolded by the instructor for bringing the wrong set of crayons, or fight over a limited stock of pencil sharpeners.
If you’d like to give art therapy a try as well, you’re very welcome to get in touch with Cafe Sol or iO, and we’d be happy to direct you to the right people.
If you would like to register for future sessions of yoga or art therapy, please fill out the form below. We will keep you notified about these events.