We need more damn people to play 'Photosynthesis' with!
/It’s like chess with tiny cardboard trees.
We love board games. Can’t resist them. And we are very excited about the latest addition to our game collection: ‘Photosynthesis’.
I’m sorry if you, the unsuspecting customer, suddenly found yourself having ‘Photosynthesis’ forced upon you by me. Because I enjoy trying out new games, and more importantly, winning them.
’Photosynthesis’ is a beautiful board game which requires some patience and a good deal of strategy. Each player plants trees on various spaces around the gaming board to collect light, which the currency for this game. But beware: other players can block light to your trees, by planting their own around them. The larger your tree, the more light it receives and the harder it is to block by the opponent.
It’s very easy to learn how to play Photosynthesis. The challenge lies in learning how to play it well. It needs practice, and I’m looking for more gamers to play it with.
Where art thou, gamers?