Thanks for visiting, Tommy the Cat!
/Yesterday, we put up a post about a lost pet cat who had wandered into our cafe.
We have great news! The family this cat belongs to, contacted us shortly after the post was uploaded on our website and Facebook page. We’d named the cat ‘Batman’ because of how active and jumpy he is. But we’ve found out that his real name is ‘Tommy’.
As animal-lovers ourselves, we are aware how painful it can be to lose a beloved pet. Awwad, the cafe’s co-owner, recently lost his own cat, Smokey, who wandered out of the home several weeks ago and has not yet returned.
Awwad, however, was able to rescue Tommy from the streets and credit goes to him for Tommy’s safe return.
Awwad took Tommy home with him, cleaned him, fed him, and introduced him to his other cats. Tommy spent the second night at my home and was cared for by my younger sister.
Tommy lives with some amazing people who were ecstatic when they came to collect Tommy from our cafe. They brought us a plate of delicious ajwa dates, which I’ve personally not had the pleasure of enjoying (this keto diet will be the death of me!), but the rest of the crew at the cafe - including Awwad - absolutely loved them.
It was great meeting you, Mr Tommy! We hope to see you and your family again some day.
My sister Mina with Tommy’s family
A plate of delicious dates from Medina presented to us by Tommy’s wonderful family