Handmade Cloth Bags for sale at Cafe Sol

Plastic is cancelled!

Fortunately, ‘BB’ knows. BB is a local poet and comedian who took the twin cities by surprise with her awe-inspiring stage performances. She’s been busy doing more than inciting riotous cheering at local event spaces. She has made an adorable and highly practical collection of cloth handbags, essential for a smart shopper in a post-plastic era.

BB has shared some of her pieces with Cafe Sol, and we are pleased to sell these on her behalf (minus some half a dozen bags that we bought for ourselves!)

These beautiful, highly durable cloth bags are on sale at Cafe Sol for Rs 100 per piece. They come in a great variety of colors and textures, including leak-proof bags that are perfect for moist products like meat.

Want one? We know you could use one! Head on down to Sol and get your homemade BB
