On discovering 'Keto' (and learning to Stick to it)
/So, fun fact, I discovered ‘keto’ recently.
I’ve always known about its potential. I tried it before a year ago, but couldn’t stay with it. But this time, I’m coming in with renewed will and a lot of unprecedented enthusiasm.
The problem with being on a keto diet is instantly becoming the 'odd one’ in your group of friends when heading out to cafes and restaurants. Your world shrink to a tiny fraction of its original size, and at times, you feel lucky to find water on the menu because that’s technically keto.
For the first time in my life, I started baking at home. Keto buns, keto breads, salads, and even keto noodles.
As someone who personally understands the struggle, I’m happy to introduce our all-new keto menu. We’ve always had bulletproof americano and heavy cream latte. Now we’re proud to introduce a range of keto waffles and salads. And then there’s my personal favorite (pause for dramatic effect) ‘Strawberry Cheesecake Shake’.
We keep updating our menu every week, so watch this space! We can even deliver these delicious keto treats straight to your home, if you’re living around Bahria phases 1-6.
A tip about staying on keto:
Take responsibility for our own calculations. Measure everything. Your weight, your BMI, and the macros you consume (carbs, net carbs, fats, proteins, and total calories).
Find your own path. Don’t listen to anyone who has lost 50kg and now considers himself an irrefutable authority on weight loss. He/she didn’t lose that weight on your body, which could be a lot different in terms of both genetics and external challenges. Do whatever you like, but keep track of your intake and exercise. Losing weight? Try doing more of it. Not losing weight? Try something different.