Meet Our New 'Vibe Manager' at Sol

I’ve moved to England. Not quite sure why. Something to do with my medical training.

What I do know for certain, is that leaving Sol was the most difficult decision I’ve had to make..

I remember the day Sol was first established; not as a community, but a tiny coffee shop that nobody cared about. Awwad and I have nurtured Sol with such love and attention, that there isn’t a single polaroid photograph on the wall that brings in a giant wave of memories; mostly joyous, some perturbing, but none of them boring..

I maintain, however, that Awwad and I did not ‘create’ Sol. Sol grew around us like a cool, fluffy living organism, and took us both in its loving embrace. Sol is not the product of an entrepreneurial mind, but the shared vision of a community. We aren’t much without Anas’s voice, or Shahkeb’s music, Ozma’s poetry, Mehreen’s prose, Muzamil’s lessons on philosophy, Mustafa’s theatrical skills, Anneka’s words of wisdom, Mahum’s art, Tooba’s amicability, and their readiness to reach out to a stranger on the next table if they look like they need a friend to talk to. We are privileged to have with us not only some of the most talented writers, artists, and musicians as regular clients; but also the kindest people in the twin cities.

Among these kind people, is Dr Jenifer F, or ‘Jeni’ as we call her. Jeni moderates one of our free support groups for people with social anxiety, every Friday at 7 pm, but that’s hardly the best part. Jeni is known in the Sol community for her playfulness, humor, a strong sense of social justice, and her fierce compassion which makes her very easy to talk to.

I’m pleased to announce that Jeni is taking over my role as the director of cultural and social affairs at Sol a.k.a “the mahol manager”. This means that she’s going to be in charge of the social activities and events that take place at iO - The Space and Cafe Sol, along with Mahum. But most importantly, Jeni will be reach out to the quiet girl standing alone at the margin, hoping to make a friend but feeling unsure if she belongs in the room; making her feel accepted, regardless of who she is.

Two days ago, I played one last song on the piano for my friends, and with a heart heavier than it’s ever been, I said goodbye to my place of safety. But that’s okay. Ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.

I don’t think I could’ve left Sol in safer hands. I expect wonderful things from Jeni, Mahum, and Awwad, and you can expect the same.

Best wishes,
